quinta-feira, 24 de abril de 2008

Losing track of everything.

I'm losing track of everything. I don't make any idea where the hell are my 'determinated girl' times...

I don't know what I am. Or maybe I know it too well but I just don't wanna admit. I wish I could go back in time, to the days I knew exactly what was right, at least what was right to me, and what could, and could not annoy me.

The thing is, when I started changing, I was unic. I was ME. I was different. I was happy. I've always wanted to be different. People should talk about me, even if to say bad things about me, but they should talk about me. Call me egocentric, I don't care. The truth is that I refused to be 'one more' in this world. Life's too short to be unknown.

Now, everyone starts copying, everyonde thinks I'm the cool one. Why the hell can't I be the strange girl anymore? I liked to be the strange girl, I got used to it. It was me, the strange girl. Now, though I'm still strange, lots of people are like me, and I'm not different anymore. And that's why I keep thinking if I made the right decision. This is not about being unic anymore, it's about to be able to find myself in the dark, when noone sees me. So, I keep thinking if this is what I really am.

In this ocean of new thoughts and ideas, there's only one thing I know, from my heart, it's certain. And that's probably the most dificult thing to get. I bet that's why it's the only one I truly want, right? I like to condradict people, and life likes to contradict me. And it makes me even stronger. It's like a challenge. My pride doesn't let me give up, and that's the only way to get where I truly want to get.

I'm not depressed. I just needed to let my thoughts out.

"E então de que é que estás à espera?!"
"Ha... De tocar bem?!?"

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...


wow! gostei mzm dest p0st, foi profundo.

ode!o iso d andar td =
eu c0nt!nu0 a sr a estranha n0 me!o d1 turma d 70 aLun0s t0d0s =
t0u a vr k segs o mzm lema k eu: falem mal d m!m mz falm!

e ñ é p is0 k 0bl0g serv, deitar td ca pa fora?

0h, vA! la vr 0 p0zt d0 meue bl0g ps0al. tá p0dr, eU se! x)


vates disse...

bem se as pessoas copiam o teu estilo, bem são apenas isso, cópias, nunca serão originais. Porque o original será sempre o verdadeiro e único =)
Também acontece comigo..

Fica bem